The Dashboard includes a dimmer function and other power-saving features that significantly reduce your phone's battery consumption.
The metric cells are easy to read with their large bold fonts - even in bright sunlight.
Navigr8 works perfectly in your backpack or your pocket.
Navigation alerts and split metrics can be spoken by the built-in voice synthesizer.
The Apple Watch app runs completely standalone, meaning you can leave your phone at home!
Navigr8 is now available in 7 languages!

Navigr8 is used by cyclists and runners all over the world. Recognizing this, we've translated our app into six new languages! Now you can enjoy the full depth of Navigr8's functionality in your preferred language. Besides English, Navigr8 is now available in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. To switch languages, tap the flag icon at the top right of any screen within the settings. Everything will be translated immediately—no need to restart the application. Please note that some text, such as our privacy policy and terms and conditions, will remain in English. This enhancement was a massive undertaking, made possible with the help of advanced AI-based language translation tools. We've had native speakers verify the translations and incorporate their feedback. Given the complexity of this task, there may be the occasional mistranslation. If you encounter any issues, please take a screenshot and email it to support@navigr8.com. We'll make sure your feedback is reflected in future releases.
Navigr8 brings advanced navigation to ActiveLook® AR glasses!

One of the most requested features for ActiveLook Glasses is navigation, and we're excited to announce that we have answered the call! Now, with Navigr8 Pro you can enjoy a clear and concise navigation experience directly in your line of sight, complete with a navigation track and turn-by-turn directions. But there's an added bonus for those using Garmin Varia radar: visibility of approaching traffic right in front of you, enhancing your safety on every ride. We've focused on blending this technology seamlessly into your cycling routine, ensuring you get the information you need without unnecessary distractions. It's all about making your rides safer and more enjoyable, whether you're commuting through the city or exploring less-traveled paths. Watch the short video above to see how Navigr8 and ActiveLook Glasses can enhance the way you ride, by providing these long-awaited features.  *Note that connecting Navigr8 to your ActiveLook Glasses is only available to Navigr8 Pro subscribers. ​ **Tip: Already have glasses? Check out our dedicated section in our FAQs for more information on how to get connected. ​
*support us when you purchase a pair of ActiveLook glasses using this link
Connect your Garmin Varia™ bike radar!

Navigr8 Pro supports Garmin Varia radar* on the Apple Watch, iPhone and ActiveLook® AR glasses. With its sensor data-sharing feature, you can simultaneously view approaching traffic on all devices. Traffic can be displayed on a traditional "Threat track" on the side of the iPhone app's Dashboard, or over a large or small cell in our unique "Wing Mirror" view (as depicted above). On the heads up display of the glasses this gives you unparalleled awareness of approaching threats and a safer riding experience. ​ In addition to live traffic updates, you can later view historical traffic data on a map alongside your recorded track. Ride more securely with Navigr8 and your Garmin radar! * Varia models RVR315, RTL515, and RCT715 ​
Simply press the Start button and go
Navigr8 tracks your speed, distance, elevation, location, and many other useful metrics.
The map displays your current location with a breadcrumb trail (red) showing where you've been and your navigation track (blue) showing you the way ahead.

Setup the Dashboard just the way you like it
Choose which metrics you want to display on each of the metrics panels on the Dashboard.
Customize the size of the metrics cells, the color of the fonts and the displayed units.
Navigr8 remembers your Dashboard configuration for each of your activities.

Stay on track
From simply following a track you've downloaded from the Internet to being guided along tours created using Navigr8's auto-routing and track editing features; Navigr8 will take the pain out of route finding, affording you more time to enjoy the scenery.

Plan your rides with multi-path routing
The multi-path feature makes it easy to plan your ride.
The route and directions can be saved and sent to your watch for navigating offline.

Pace yourself up hills
Slope Forecast is a scrolling graph of the upcoming slope calculated from elevation data in your navigation track. Knowing how long and steep a hill is, helps you pace yourself on climbs.

Navigr8 helps you reach your training goals
Add some virtual competition
With features like real-time segments and Ghost, Navigr8 will motivate you to train harder.
Ghost is a virtual competitor that you can add to your navigation session. Ghost follows the navigation track at the recorded speeds. Besides seeing where you are relative to Ghost on the map, you can also receive voice updates.

Gain insights into your training
Use Navigr8's powerful analysis tools and summary statistics to gain insights into your performance over time.

Try our built-in power meter
The Navigr8 Power Meter is the next best thing to an external hardware power meter.
Navigr8 estimates your power output using the sensors available on your device combined with information you provide, such as your weight, the weight of your bike, and the riding surface.

Enhance your data with Bluetooth sensors
Connect your heart rate, speed, cadence, and power meter sensors.

Navigr8 is great for running and walking too!
Although our focus is on cycling many of the features mentioned above are also applicable to running and walking. Some of our customers are even using the Navigr8 watch app to track their field sports!

Your data is stored locally on your device and automatically backed up to iCloud*.​
Tracks are synchronised between your watch and phone through the Watch folder.
* In the absence of iCloud you can backup your data to email or another device via Airdrop.

Navigr8 is available for free in the App Store
You can upgrade to Navigr8 Pro* with an in-app purchase that includes a one month free trial

* Navigr8 Pro features include: slope forecast, ghost (virtual competitor), Bluetooth sensor support, track editing, watch map tiles and more.