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  • What is Navigr8?
    Navigr8 is an iPhone and Apple Watch app that works like a dedicated hardware bike computer. You can connect it to Bluetooth sensors, use it for GPS navigation, record your rides, and much more. Navigr8 is available for free on the App Store. Some features require a Navigr8 Pro subscription.
  • How do I pronounce "Navigr8"?
    Navigr8 is pronounced "Navi Great".
  • What are the differences between the Apple Watch and iOS versions?
    Navigr8 runs as two separate and mostly independent apps on iPhone and Apple Watch. Their user interfaces are different, but the apps share many features and offer a similar user experience – especially when it comes to tracking and navigating. Optionally, Navigr8 can record your ride simultaneously on both iPhone and Apple Watch, providing additional functionality and resilience. One of the main differences between the two apps is that the phone app includes a Route Planner and can generate routes with auto-routing. The watch app is limited to navigating routes sent to it by the phone app, and although these might include turn-by-turn instructions, only the phone app will automatically reroute should you take a wrong turn. The phone app also offers more comprehensive post-ride analytics, including dynamic graphs. The Apple Watch app can be used without the iPhone app. After recording your ride, the phone app is needed to get the recorded track from the watch app, so that it can be exported, shared with others, analyzed, and sent to external services like Strava.
  • What are the system requirements for Navigr8?
    Navigr8 works on iPhone 8 or later, running iOS 13.6 and above. Navigr8 works on Series 4 Apple Watch or later, running watchOS 8.0 and above. For the best results with Navigr8, we recommend staying current with Apple’s OS updates. You might be able to get Navigr8 to work on older models of Apple Watch or iPhone, but these are unsupported configurations and you may run into performance issues.
  • How much does Navigr8 cost?
    The standard version of Navigr8 is completely free. There are currently no ads and it comes with an amazing amount of functionality, including turn-by-turn navigation, a route planner, tracking, and detailed analysis tools. Navigr8 Pro adds Bluetooth sensor support and other advanced features like Ghost. It is available on a monthly or annual subscription. Both subscriptions include a one-month free trial, cancellable at any time. The subscriptions are in-app purchases that can be accessed after installing the free app. Please refer to the App Store for up-to-date pricing. Pricing and features are subject to change.
  • How do I get help with the product?
    Please check the FAQs before contacting us, as there is a good chance that your question will be answered here. We can be contacted by email at We value you as a customer and will try our best to answer your questions. Please be aware that we are based in New Zealand and normal office hours apply.
  • Can Navigr8 be used for running?
    Yes, it can! Although our focus is cycling, Navigr8 can be used for just about any activity that involves movement outdoors. Our customers find Navigr8 great for cycling, running, hiking, skiing, kite surfing, paragliding, and even field sports like Hockey!
  • How can I minimize battery consumption without disabling functionality?
    High battery consumption is often an argument for not using your phone on your handlebars. After all, the last thing you want is to completely drain your battery while out on a ride and be unable to call home. The good news is that Navigr8 has power-saving features, like the Dimmer, that significantly reduce the drain on your battery. The developers of Navigr8 have extensive experience in performance/software tuning. As a result, Navigr8 is frugal with your device's resources like CPU (having efficient code means Navigr8 is responsive and consumes less of your battery). If you intend to use Navigr8 on your handlebars, then we recommend: 1) Enable the Dimmer and have the dimming time as short as possible. Given the ambient light conditions, set the dimmed brightness to the minimum and the screen brightness to the maximum you are comfortable with. 2) Enable Low Power Mode. Settings>General>Low Power Mode. This works in conjunction with the dimmer. When dimmed, there will be no map animations between location updates. The map will “snap” to the new location and orientation rather than animating. 3) You can avoid map updates altogether by having one of your metrics panels set to full-screen, i.e., 12 small cells. You might therefore set up at least one of your panels as full-screen. You can always swipe them away if you need to see the map. 4) Set cells to have a black background. Since all modern iPhones have OLED displays, black pixels consume less power than other colors. 5) Choose Google Maps rather than Apple Maps. You might prefer the look of Apple Maps, but our testing has found that Google Maps uses less CPU than Apple Maps. You can set the map provider in Settings>General>Maps. 6) Stop unnecessary apps running in the background before going on a long ride. Look in your phone's settings at the battery consumption for each app to identify the top battery consumers. With the above setup, you should be able to go on a long ride and still have some remaining battery. How long your battery lasts will depend on your device model and the health of your battery. Also, connecting Bluetooth devices will adversely impact battery consumption. On a final note. You can view your battery consumption for each ride with the battery metric in the track Overview screen.
  • How do I set my current activity?
    To set your activity: 1) Press the activity button at the top of the map on the Dashboard. This will open the activity picker. Or 2) Go to Settings and press the activity button at the top of the screen. Again, this will open the activity picker.
  • How do I update my biometric and equipment information?
    To get the most out of Navigr8, update your biometric information (like your weight, maximum heart rate, and age) and equipment information (like bike weight and wheel circumference). Settings for these can be found here: Settings > Biometric Settings > Bike
  • What is the Dashboard?
    On the iPhone app: The Dashboard is the main screen in Navigr8. Here you will see a row of buttons and a map. You will also see the Navigation search bar or your dashboard metrics. Metrics give you useful information, such as how fast you are going, how far you have traveled, how long you have been traveling, and much more. On the Apple Watch app: Like the iPhone app, the Dashboard on the watch app displays metrics and maps (Pro).
  • What do the buttons along the top of the Dashboard do?
    At the top of the Dashboard is a row of five buttons. 1) The "Waypoint" button lists options for adding waypoints to the map and managing waypoints that have already been added. You can also call Segment Builder, which you can use to create your own segments. 2) The "Navigate" button lists options for creating/saving routes, and starting/stopping navigation sessions. 3) The "Start" button starts tracking. Pressing it while recording presents options for pausing/stopping the recording of your activity. 4) The "Library" button takes you to your library, where you'll find your recordings and any other tracks you have downloaded and routes you have saved. 5) The "Settings" button opens the settings for the current activity. In settings, you can configure and customize Navigr8 specifically to your needs.
  • How can I customize the Metrics displayed on the iPhone app's Dashboard?
    Navigr8 allows you to configure three panels of Metrics cells. Swipe left and right between them. Customize the metrics cells on the Dashboard right from the Dashboard. If the metrics panels are not visible, swipe down on the Dashboard. Verify you are on the panel you want to edit by swiping left and right. Tap and hold the metric cell you want to change. A configuration panel will slide into view showing the current metric settings. If the configuration panel is obscuring a metric that you want to change, then try tapping the arrow on the bottom right of the configuration panel. Select the desired metric from the list at the bottom of the screen. Tap Info in the bottom left to show/hide a description of each metric. Select a color for the data field in the metric cell. The leftmost square button sets the background color. Select the desired units. Press Done or long press on the highlighted cell. Navigr8 will ask if you would like to clone the current cell configuration to all activities. Note that this will clone all the panels, not just the one you are currently adjusting.
  • How can I customize the Metrics displayed on the Apple Watch app's Dashboard?
    Use the iPhone app to customize the metrics and the layout of each of the 5 panels on the Dashboard. 1) Go to Settings>Apple Watch>Dashboard and for each panel begin by choosing a layout. Look at the Dashboard on your watch and you should immediately see it change to the chosen layout. If you don't see it change then make sure that you are looking at the correct panel. 2) The layout options are as follows: a) 2 large cells stacked vertically b) 1 large cell with two adjacent smaller cells below it c) 6 small cells in a 2 x 3 grid d) 2 adjacent small cells with a map below them e) 1 large map. Note that the configurations with a map are only available on Pro. Also note, that the cells and maps are bounded by a navigation bar at the top and a region at the bottom where the panel indicator resides. Various buttons and direction indicators will appear on either side of the panel indicator depending on whether you are navigating a route with turn directions or not. You can also customize the metrics on each panel. Choose a metric from the list and choose a color. The change should be reflected immediately on the watch app. Note that these settings are activity-dependent, so changing them only affects the chosen activity.
  • How can I change the number of Metrics Cells on the Dashboard?
    Each of the three metrics panels on the Dashboard can be configured with a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 12 small cells. Changing the number of cells affects the split between the map and the metrics panels. Changing the number of cells on the Dashboard can be done right from the Dashboard. If the Metrics panels are not visible, swipe down on the screen while on the Dashboard. Choose the panel you want to edit by swiping right and left. Tap and hold any metric. To add more cells, tap Split in the top left of the screen. Continue tapping Split to cycle through each possible cell configuration. When you have achieved the desired split, wait a few seconds, and Navigr8 will ask if you would like to save the change for the current activity or clone the whole setup to all activities. Typically, you would choose the first option.
  • How can I change the size of a metrics cell?
    Metric cells come in two sizes: large and small. Large cells take up four times the screen area of small cells. Therefore, whilst you can configure as many as 12 small cells on a given metrics panel, you are limited to only 3 large cells. Changing the size of metrics cells can be done right there on the Dashboard. If the metrics panels are not visible, swipe down on the screen while on the Dashboard. Choose the panel you want to edit by swiping right and left. Tap and hold a small metric cell* that you want to change into a large metric cell. Note that this will consume a block of four small cells: the chosen cell and the three cells adjacent to it. Press x2 on the bottom of the screen. Tap the Done button. Navigr8 will ask if you would like to clone the current cell configuration to all activities. Note that this will clone all the panels, not just the one you are currently adjusting. *Note that a large cell can also be configured as 4 small cells. Tap and hold a large cell and press the x1 button on the cell configuration panel. **You can also change the cell size with a pinch gesture. Long press on a small cell and pinch out to turn it into a large cell. Pinch in to turn it back into a small cell.
  • What is the recommended procedure for configuring the metrics panels on the Dashboard?
    The metrics panels come pre-configured with useful metrics for each activity. For example, speed is used for cycling, whereas pace is used for running. You might find that you don't need to make many changes to get the setup you want. In that case, make the changes saving only for the given activity type. If you want to make some significant changes to the setup, you might want to begin by saving the bulk of your changes for all activities i.e. create a baseline setup. Then when you want to make some variations between activity types, save them only for the given activity.
  • How do I switch the map orientation between "track up" and "North up"?
    At the bottom right of the map is a button that allows you to switch between one of two map orientations (i.e., track up and North up). Note that this button allows you to center the map on your current location. If you move the map with your finger, the map will no longer be center locked. The button will reflect this by turning light grey.
  • How do I lock the Dashboard if it rains?
    If you intend to mount your phone on your handlebars you might encounter issues when it rains. Rain splashing on your smartphone screen can trigger unwanted events, like button presses. Furthermore, water on the screen makes your screen touches unreliable. To use Navigr8 in the rain we recommend that you use the Dashboard Lock feature. You can enable this in Settings>Dashboard>Lock Dashboard. To lock the Dashboard place your forefinger above your thumb on the metrics panel and pinch the two together. As you perform this vertical pinch gesture you will see two halves of a zipper coming together. When they meet in the middle of the screen they zip together. The dashboard is now locked. Try tapping on the Dashboard and you'll find that you can no longer interact with the user interface. To unlock the Dashboard, tap on it and the zipped zipper will appear momentarily. When it is visible, place your finger on the zipper's tag and drag it to the right - just like you would unzip a real-world zipper. With the Dashboard locked you shouldn't have any issues with using Navigr8 even in downpours. We also recommend changing the background of the metric cells to white when it rains. In our experience, they are significantly easier to read with a white background when there are water droplets on the display. * always ensure that your phone is mounted in a suitable waterproof case. Otherwise, you risk the rain causing permanent damage.
  • What does the row of green/blue squares at the bottom right of the metrics panel represent?
    This row of squares represents your cycling power - either from your power meter (blue) or calculated power using the sensors in your iPhone (green). You can show/hide this bar in Settings>Dashboard>Power Meter. Each square represents 50 watts. Since there are ten squares, the maximum displayed power is 500 watts. This is a bit like the audio level indicator bar on a stereo. The rightmost illuminated square varies in brightness to represent a fraction of 50 watts. If the rightmost square is at 50% of the brightness of the squares to its left, this equates to 25 watts. By way of example, if the first two squares are fully illuminated and the third is at 20%, the power displayed is 50 watts + 50 watts + 50*0.2 (10 watts) = 110 watts.
  • What does the button in the bottom right corner of the map do?
    This is the Map Center Lock button. It has two functions: 1) Pressing it locks the map on your current location. When you move the map with your fingers, this button turns grey - indicating that the map is no longer locked on your location. 2) Tapping it while the map is locked on your location toggles the map orientation between track up and north up.
  • The Dashboard keeps dimming. How can I disable this?
    The Dimmer is on by default. To permanently disable it, go to Settings>Dashboard and switch Dimmer to OFF. You can also temporarily disable the Dimmer by tapping the lightbulb button so that it turns grey. The lightbulb button (Dimmer) can be found in the row of buttons at the top of the map.
  • What does Map Contrast Boost do?
    If you mount your phone on your handlebars, the map can be hard to read in bright sunlight. The Map Contrast Boost feature significantly increases map contrast - making it much easier to read on a sunny day, which, for many, is the preferred weather for cycling! To enable this feature go to Settings>Dashboard and enable "Map Contrast Boost". Note that this feature only affects contrast when the map is locked on your location.
  • Why is the wind speed indicator not always accurate?
    The leftmost button at the top of the map shows you, by default, the current weather conditions. When you tap it, it displays the wind speed and direction. Note that when the map is set to "track up", the wind direction indicated is relative to your current course. The weather data for this button (and the corresponding wind speed, wind direction, and air temperature metrics) are supplied by OpenWeatherMap. Some reasons why you might be getting inaccurate data are: 1) The weather station is a long way from your current location. OpenWeatherMap will pick the closest weather station to your current location. Unfortunately, the nearest station might be far from you - possibly at a very different elevation too. 2) Even if the weather station is close, other factors like wind shadow, drafting, thermals, and gusts can profoundly affect the wind you experience at your location compared with what is being measured at the weather station. 3) The weather station might be faulty. This is not uncommon - especially after severe weather. The weather data should only be considered indicative of the prevailing conditions. Don't rely too much on these numbers if you plan to ride in mountainous terrain.
  • How do I get the map to display "terrain" style tiles?
    Terrain, or topographic, style map tiles are only available when you choose Google Maps in your settings. The default map provider, Apple, doesn't support this map style. Go to Settings>General. For the setting "Maps", select Google. On the Dashboard, amongst the row of buttons at the top of the map, there is a button that sets the map style. This button is either a road, satellite, or mountain. When it is a mountain, the map is set to terrain style. If it is not, then tap it until the mountain icon appears.

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